10 Things You Need To Do In Your 20’s: To Achieve Success

Vishal Ramachandra Mahajan
9 min readMay 14, 2021
Photo by M on Unsplash

Everyone one wants to achieve success in life. What does success mean to you? Well, It might be anything like living your dream life building a billion dollar empire, becoming a multimillionaire or having financial freedom.

As a kid we always bet someone that I’m gonna be a champion one day and show how wrong you was. But very few people actually are able to make great and come home and say,” I told you”

Achieving success that you dreamed of is not impossible. But it will be easier as you start earlier to be in this people list.

But do you know what it takes to achieve extraordinary success?

These are the things you need to do in your 20’s to achieve great success

  • Taking Actions
  • Not wasting money and time
  • Choosing friends circle
  • Adding skill sets
  • Waking up early
  • Visualizing
  • Building Relationships
  • Learning process
  • Reading a lot
  • Health is wealth

Taking Actions is a simple path to success

The common reason among ordinary people not achieving success is lack of doing productive things. Many of you also have a problem of overthinking but don’t worry we will discuss how to overcome it. Because it’s always better to do something productive than just overthinking. Isn’t it?

Just taking one step will distinguish you from doer’s and thinker’s. So you have to decide what you wanna be.

Think where you want to see yourself in upcoming years. Write down your goals, break them down into smaller actionable parts.

Most people don’t take action because of fear and waiting until the conditions are perfect. I think that is the worst mistake people ever make.

Here is a simple method to do it which is called Pomodoro technique.

Before going to bed, make a to-do list of tasks which get to be done the next day. So you could do things effectively.

I have used this technique which is supercool. Even Elon musk also uses this technique to do his work.

One interesting thing is that once a man approached JP Morgan and said to him ‘I have a guaranteed formula for success’ which I will sell you for $25000.He took that envelope, gave a look to it then he pulled the cheque book and paid the man $25000.

There was two things on that sheet of paper

1.Write the list of the things that need to be done that day.

2.Do them.

So taking actions is a very important element to achieve success.

How not to waste time & money

Many of us have a habit of scrolling on social media apps, watching memes, reels and Doing unnecessary stuff. It’s an addiction. This thing is common because it’s human nature to be in a comfort zone.

For someone reading a useful blog post or article is very difficult but can scroll on social media for hours which doesn’t add any value.

Time never stops for anyone. You need to utilize it precisely.

You can do following things to use time efficiently

  • Make a proper schedule. Do important things at the start of the day. Write down the tasks and don’t go to bed before completing it ,make it a habit. So you will have very little time for social media.
  • Follow the people you admire. Read about them, articles written by them.
  • Subscribe for magazines rather than Netflix.
  • Get surrounded by the things which add value to your work. As having a mentor, reading books related to your work, meeting people having experience in that field in which you are willing to work.

Proper money management

  • Most famous quote of popular singer Jay Z “ If you can’t buy the thing twice then you can’t afford it” Which I think is quite true.
  • We buy stuff which is unnecessary like luxury goods, expensive shoes which are a waste of money.
  • Instead of buying subscriptions, buy some online video courses, books.
  • Companies using decoy effect to generate more revenue. The products displayed are in such a manner which compel you to buy. You have to avoid such products which are taking cash out of your pocket.
  • Try not to buy stuff which is not required & invest maximum on yourself that’s it.

Choosing right friends to achieve success

Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash

If you want to achieve success then friends play a vital role. For which you need to choose the right friends.

Choose friends who celebrate your success. Celebrate every milestone you achieve. They are happy seeing you successful. Having such true friends is rare but when you find them keep them close.

Be around friends who are smarter than you. If you have four friends smarter than you then you can be the fifth one.

It’s comfortable to be with friends who are like you. But choose friends who are on the next level than you. So you can take your life/business to the next level. There are more chances to get open to new things. Learn about them which will help you expand your skill. You will have t he new clues.

You can’t be an aficionado in every sector. So it’s important to have passionate friends with common goals. Which will have the benefit of getting updated in your work and encourage each other to achieve goals.

Adding New Skill sets

You have to add a new skill set to increase your knowledge and to be the master in your industry. Everything has expiry so if you are willing to work with the knowledge and information you had before five years you’re not gonna achieve progress. You have to get updated by adding new skill set and change with circumstances.

Learn things and try to do real time tasks. This will help you remember things for a longer time. Don’t devote your most time to learn theory try to apply it right away and master the skills by trial and error method. More research has been done on this topic which is proven fact.

You can add a new skill set by reading books, doing video courses on Udemy which is a great way, reading magazines related to the topic, and watching interviews of experts.

Learn new things and try to compare it with industry experts. By doing this you would get to know the areas of improvement.

Find out the things which you feel are more difficult. Give them extra time and practice until you get perfect.

Be a early riser

The most successful have one secret that is waking up early. There are scientific reasons to do so.

You have to wake up 96 minutes before the sunrise at Brahma Muhurta which is also called The Creator’s hour & meditate for 20 minutes.

Whatever things you do during this time are very effective and you will be amazed to see yourself mastering those skills within a few days. It’s because your brain secretes more melatonin by which you stay more focused.

During 3AM to 6AM there is a tremendous flow of cosmic energy which makes your subconscious mind powerful. Waking up early and doing meditation during this time you can see drastic change in intelligence and concentration.

Another reason to do so is the law of attraction. During this time whatever you think there are more chances to get them real.

This is the most important element which you have to add in your schedule. Which will give great results.

Visualize You Achieving Success

Before doing this write down your goals on a big sheet of paper and paste it in the bedroom or your workplace. Create imaginary drawings of your success keep them with you.

I’m asking you to do these things because that’s what your subconscious mind sees. It doesn’t differentiate between right and wrong.

“As you think so you become“ Is true in everyone’s life. If your thoughts are negative then you’re not gonna achieve anything. Whatever you think gets fitted in the subconscious mind right or wrong, it doesn’t matter.

Your conscious mind knows right or wrong but the subconscious mind doesn’t differentiate between right and wrong. It will make things real.

Right time to visualize your success is 3–6 AM. Close your eyes and see some imaginary events that are happening with you. Like everyone is congratulating you, getting honored by award, friends are celebrating your success. In this way you have to visualize.

Building Relationships

Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash

Every successful person has the base of strong relationships. Which helps them in solving the problems, getting the referrals, strong support. This thing takes time but as you start early it would beneficial.

Wherever you go in a public place just get off those earphones and put your smartphone in pocket. Try to have conversations with new people. Get to know each other. Be in touch with them. If that person has any skill then it might be useful for you.

See who are experts in your industry and try to be in touch with them. Share your thoughts with them. Have some conversations & and try to give them unconditional value. Like solve their problems without expecting anything in return.

Which will build strong relationships and they’re gonna help you in future. So try to grow your network which will be very beneficial in the future.

Learn Practice Victory

Achieving overnight success is impossible. This will take time it’s long term process. You need all your “Dedication and Perseverance’’. Devote your time to be a step ahead.

Learn new things as much as possible, improve yourself. Be a better version of yourself.

Do you know super investor Warren Buffet made his wealth after 50 th b’day. Elon was also financially broke but now worlds richest. Famous hedge fund manager Jim Simons also took 12 year’s to find winning strategy.

There are lot of examples like this your hard work and passion pays off. Learning practicing is never ending process just stay consistent Victory is definite.

Read a Lot

Do you want to know one common habit of extraordinary people? They read a lot. Once Warren buffet asked how did you get success then he said ‘I read 500 pages per day’ That’s how knowledge builds up.

Take any great person example you will find this common habit. Elon musk once asked How did you learn to build rockets? ‘ I read books ‘ He said. Before he used to read one book in two days. Bill Gates read one book a week.

How can you start to read a lot?

  • Make a list of influencers, experts of your industry. Google them try to find books written by them. Prepare list of popular books out of them.
  • Don’t try to finish one book in a single day. Give it time. Finish one book in 7–8 days. Prepare notes on that book.
  • Reading books is not enough. You have to analyze what you’ve learned and implement those things in your daily life.
  • After every three professional, technical books you can read one motivational, fiction or any other kind of book.
  • You can get every industry’s article on google. From cooking to rocket science. You need to find out potential blogs. And follow them regularly.
  • You can subscribe for your industry related magazine which will add more value to your knowledge.

Last but not least Health Is Wealth

‘Money without health is pointless, Health without money is useless’ Which is true. You need to balance these two elements to bring joy to your success.

You have to maintain your mental as well as physical health.

How should one maintain mental health?

  1. Using social media for a limited time.

2. Doing meditation for 15–20 minutes daily.

3. Breathing more oxygen during the morning.

How to maintain physical health?

  1. Doing yoga once every two days.
  2. Doing cardio and stretching's once every two days.


We have discussed many things above if you follow these things consistently and stay authentic to yourself you gonna achieve whatever you want.

Out of all these elements taking actions, rising early and visualizing success are most essential one. It’s game of Doer’s there is no place for thinkers.

So which part you liked the most and found relevant let us know in comment section.

